What is @remote-ui/rpc?
@remote-ui/rpc is a package that facilitates remote procedure calls (RPC) between different contexts, such as between a web worker and the main thread. It allows for seamless communication and function invocation across these boundaries, making it easier to build modular and decoupled applications.
What are @remote-ui/rpc's main functionalities?
Creating an RPC endpoint
This feature allows you to create an RPC endpoint. The `createEndpoint` function is used to set up an endpoint in a given context, such as a web worker.
const {createEndpoint} = require('@remote-ui/rpc');
const endpoint = createEndpoint(self);
Defining callable functions
This feature allows you to define functions that can be called remotely. The `expose` function is used to make these functions available to the other context.
const {expose} = require('@remote-ui/rpc');
function add(a, b) {
return a + b;
Calling remote functions
This feature allows you to call functions that are defined in another context. The `createRemote` function is used to create a remote object that can call the exposed functions.
const {createEndpoint, createRemote} = require('@remote-ui/rpc');
const endpoint = createEndpoint(self);
const remote = createRemote(endpoint);
async function performAddition() {
const result = await remote.call.add(1, 2);
console.log(result); // 3
Other packages similar to @remote-ui/rpc
Comlink is a library that simplifies the use of WebWorkers by abstracting away the postMessage API and providing a more intuitive interface for RPC. It allows you to expose functions from a worker and call them from the main thread, similar to @remote-ui/rpc. However, Comlink is more focused on WebWorkers specifically, whereas @remote-ui/rpc can be used in a broader range of contexts.
json-rpc-2.0 is a library that implements the JSON-RPC 2.0 protocol, which is a standard protocol for RPC. It provides a way to define and call remote procedures using JSON messages. While it is more general-purpose and can be used in various environments, it requires more boilerplate code compared to @remote-ui/rpc, which is designed to be more straightforward and easy to use.
rpc-websockets is a library that provides RPC over WebSockets. It allows you to define and call remote procedures over a WebSocket connection. This is useful for real-time applications that require persistent connections. Compared to @remote-ui/rpc, rpc-websockets is more suitable for scenarios where you need a continuous connection, while @remote-ui/rpc is more versatile for different contexts.